Ultimate Guide to Running Image Ads on YouTube in 2024: Step-by-Step Instructions

Ultimate Guide to Running Image Ads on YouTube in 2024: Step-by-Step Instructions

Ultimate Guide to Running Image Ads on YouTube in 2024: Step-by-Step Instructions

Running ads on YouTube with images primarily involves leveraging display ads, bumper ads, or creating compelling thumbnails for video ads. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up image-based ads on YouTube in 2024:

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Ads Account

  1. Log in to Google Ads: Go to ads.google.com and log in with your Google account.
  2. Create a New Campaign: Click the "+" button to create a new campaign.

Step 2: Choose Your Campaign Type and Goal

  1. Select Campaign Type: Choose "Video" for video ads or "Display" for display ads.
  2. Choose Your Goal: Depending on your objectives, select goals like "Website Traffic," "Brand Awareness and Reach," or "Product and Brand Consideration."

Step 3: Set Up Your Campaign

  1. Campaign Name: Give your campaign a descriptive name.
  2. Budget and Dates:
    • Set your daily or total budget.
    • Choose the start and end dates for your campaign.
  3. Networks:
    • For video ads: Choose "YouTube Videos."
    • For display ads: Choose "YouTube Display Network" if you want image ads on YouTube.

Step 4: Define Your Target Audience

  1. Demographics: Select the age, gender, parental status, and household income of your target audience.
  2. Interests: Choose interests and affinities relevant to your product or service.
  3. Keywords and Topics: Add relevant keywords and topics to target specific content.
  4. Placements: Choose specific YouTube channels or videos where you want your ads to appear.

Step 5: Create Your Ad Group

  1. Ad Group Name: Give your ad group a name.
  2. Bidding: Choose your bidding strategy, such as "Maximize Conversions" or "Target CPA."

Step 6: Create Your Ad

For Display Ads:

  1. Choose Ad Format: Select "Responsive Display Ad."
  2. Add Images and Logos: Upload high-quality images and logos that meet Google's specifications.
    • Recommended image size: 1200 x 628 pixels.
    • File size: Under 5MB.
  3. Add Headlines and Descriptions: Create engaging headlines (30 characters) and descriptions (90 characters).
  4. Add Final URL: Enter the URL you want users to visit.

For Video Ads with Compelling Thumbnails:

  1. Choose Ad Format: Select the type of video ad you want to run (e.g., skippable in-stream, non-skippable in-stream, bumper ads).
  2. Upload Your Video: Ensure the video is high-quality and optimized for your audience.
  3. Create a Compelling Thumbnail: YouTube allows you to upload a custom thumbnail.
    • Recommended thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels.
    • File size: Under 2MB.
  4. Add Call-to-Action: Include a strong call-to-action in the video or as an overlay.

Step 7: Review and Launch Your Campaign

  1. Review Your Ad: Ensure all details are correct, and your images display properly.
  2. Launch Your Campaign: Click "Publish" to start running your ad.

Tips for Effective YouTube Image Ads

  • High-Quality Visuals: Use clear, high-resolution images and thumbnails.
  • Engaging Thumbnails: Make sure your video thumbnails are eye-catching and relevant to the content.
  • Clear Messaging: Ensure your ad copy and visuals convey a clear and compelling message.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across all your ads to enhance recognition.
  • A/B Testing: Test different images and headlines to see what resonates best with your audience.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and run image-based ads on YouTube in 2024, capturing your audience's attention and driving engagement.

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