How to Create Top-Performing Twitter/X Image Ads: Step-by-Step 2024 Guide

How to Create Top-Performing Twitter/X Image Ads: Step-by-Step 2024 Guide

How to Create Top-Performing Twitter/X Image Ads: Step-by-Step 2024 Guide

Running ads on Twitter (now rebranded as X) with images involves several steps. Here's a detailed guide on how to create and launch image ads on X:

Step 1: Set Up Your Twitter/X Ads Account

  1. Log in to Twitter/X: Ensure you’re logged into the account you want to run ads from.
  2. Access Twitter/X Ads: Go to the Twitter Ads platform at and follow the prompts to set up your ads account if you haven't already.

Step 2: Create a New Campaign

  1. Click on "Create Campaign": You’ll see this button on the Twitter Ads dashboard.
  2. Choose Your Campaign Objective: Select the objective that aligns with your goals. Common objectives include:
    • Website traffic
    • App installs
    • Tweet engagements
    • Follower growth
    • Video views

Step 3: Set Up Your Ad Group

  1. Name Your Ad Group: Give your ad group a clear, descriptive name.
  2. Set Your Budget and Schedule:
    • Daily budget: The amount you want to spend each day.
    • Total budget: The total amount you want to spend for the campaign.
    • Schedule: Choose the start and end dates for your campaign.

Step 4: Define Your Target Audience

  1. Demographics: Select the age, gender, and location of your target audience.
  2. Interests and Behaviors: Choose interests and behaviors relevant to your product or service.
  3. Keywords: Add relevant keywords to target users based on their recent activities and tweets.
  4. Tailored Audiences: Use your own customer data to target specific users.

Step 5: Create Your Ad

  1. Choose Your Ad Format: Select "Promoted Tweet" for image ads.
  2. Compose Your Tweet: Write the text for your tweet. Keep it concise and engaging.
  3. Add Your Image:
    • Upload an Image: Click on the media upload button to add an image. Ensure your image meets the recommended dimensions (1200x675 pixels) and size (under 5MB).
    • Use an Existing Tweet: You can also promote an existing tweet that includes an image.

Step 6: Review and Launch Your Campaign

  1. Review Your Ad: Ensure all details are correct and your image displays properly.
  2. Launch Your Campaign: Once satisfied, click "Launch Campaign" to start running your ad.

Tips for Effective Image Ads

  • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images that represent your brand or product well.
  • Compelling Visuals: Ensure your image is eye-catching and relevant to your audience.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Include a strong CTA in your tweet text to encourage user engagement.
  • Consistency: Ensure your ad’s visual style and messaging are consistent with your brand.

By following these steps, you can create effective image ads on Twitter/X that capture your audience’s attention and drive engagement with your brand.

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